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“Football is good for the country. Juventus? No to urgent trials”

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Rome – nIn the course of presenting the 2020 Integrated Report at Campidoglio, there was also a way to talk about the capital gains issue that sees Juventus and its leaders under investigation. The issue was addressed directly by iNS number one By FIGC Gabriel Gravina : In the world of sports, there are persistent forms of decadence that should be ascertained and experienced anyway. I would like to avoid any form of summarization at this time. We must yield to the ordinary judiciary, which has more penetrating tools than the sports world. We are studying at UEFA level, in a committee that I have the honor to chair, to adopt the measures that will be included in the upcoming national licenses.”. And the president of the Football Association deepened the logic: “I have discovered in recent days many scholars and experts in sports law and economics are able to identify solutions. But anything that can be linked to a subjective assessment of the market cannot be translated into an algorithm. The algorithm can help with guessing but it will never be shared in terms of objective evaluation. The market is the market, there is demand and supply, we are also talking about joint stock companies and also listed companies, imagine if we could refer to subjective criteria. Another issue, we need to understand if we can adopt criteria that nonetheless generate alerts and precautions to take actual capital gains duly seriously and refer to those related to financial exchanges. We are working on it“.

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Football’s impact on the country

These are Gravina’s words regarding the study that highlighted the difficulties and economic losses due to the restrictions imposed by Covid, as well as The success of the organizational and economic impact of the four Euro 2020 matches in Rome: “Football is good for the country and good for Italy and that is what emerges from the integrated budget study. Euro 2020 was an organizational success. Despite the restrictions imposed by Covid, the impact of the Corona virus on the football system, caused the loss of more than 22 million fans and made it necessary for an unprecedented intervention by our federation with the creation of a specific working team.Then he added:Football-related activities are not only economic, the European Football Championship 2020 represented an extraordinary opportunity to bring fans closer to the colors blue. This relationship represents the impact of football on the country. Capital do not waste and invest in it. I want to repeat that in order for football to play a major role in the state system, football needs a reform process that will put it in the future with more simplification, making it more usable and attractive.The President of the Football Association concluded:We have to start using a new concept in our world, without thinking of the market position of GDP but of increasing the value of BIL, that is our total internal well-being. Because football represents a real luxury for reference societies“.


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