Home Tech Flight Simulator can be played in Microsoft Flight Simulator, to navigate through history – Nerd4.life

Flight Simulator can be played in Microsoft Flight Simulator, to navigate through history – Nerd4.life

Flight Simulator can be played in Microsoft Flight Simulator, to navigate through history – Nerd4.life

.’s latest update Microsoft Flight Simulator Added a really fun feature: the ability to cast one playable version From flight simulator inside the game.

Flight Simulator in Microsoft Flight Simulator
Flight Simulator in Microsoft Flight Simulator

This is of course the update for the 40th anniversary of the franchise, which added a lot of other content, such as new planes, new airports, new helicopters and new helipads. However, the ceremonial part consists mainly of missions taken from previous flight simulators and the presence of the first title in the series. To play it, you have to use the Diamond DA62, using the steering console to fly straight back to the ’80s.

Of course this is not the most comfortable way to play it, because it is not very convenient. The fact is that it should be considered above all as a very interesting Easter egg, which will surely delight fans of the historical Flight Simulator, those who have experienced its entire development, from the original graphics of the wireframe, to ultra-realism. today.

For the rest, if you want more information about Microsoft Flight Simulator, we refer you to our review.


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