In an interview with Le Monde, director Paul Schrader revealed an interesting update about The Movie Critic, Quentin Tarantino's tenth film.
On processing Film critic Absolute confidentiality applies. All the details are on Quentin Tarantino's tenth filmwhich may be so the last, shrouded in mystery. Small one PreviewHowever, he arrived in the last few hours of Paul Schrader. The director and screenwriter in an interview with the French magazine Le MondeShare some little things Information Highly anticipated Feature film Written and directed by “Abi” Dee Hyenas(1992) e Pulp fiction(1994).
Schrader He made it known Tarantino Will include in his latest efforts Excerpts from seventies films, but not only. As usual, he will add his own, unmistakable touch to this “antique” material. Below are the director's statements:
Quentin will include excerpts from films from the 1970s in The Movie Critic. He would also make his own version of feature films from that era. I was asked for permission to film the ending of John Flynn's Rolling Thunder, as I had written the original script, before it was completely rewritten and sweetened by others.
So it is no coincidence that this happens in his latest book Cinema speculation, Tarantino I lived on it for a long time Rolling thunder (1977), as part of an analytical overview of Seventies cinema. The idea of one of the most brilliant and original directors on the contemporary scene who gives life to the gods Remake of worship scenes The history of cinema is very interesting. Let us then talk about the stage in which the seventh art achieved milestones of caliber taxi driver (Of which Schrader Sign on Movie script), rocky (1976) e The Godfather (1972). There's no shortage of ideas, and it's sure to be fun.
What do we know about him now? Film critic plot? Initially there were rumors that the film was inspired by the lives of film critics Pauline Kael. However, the director revealed in May that the story has begun Los Angeles circa 1977. The novel's protagonist is “a man who really existed, but never became famous.”
He wrote reviews for a porn magazine. He wrote about mainstream films and was a stand-in critic. I think it was really good. He was very sarcastic. His reviews were somewhere between a young Howard Stern and what Travis Bickle would write [il protagonista di Taxi Driver interpretato da Robert De Niro, ndr] If he were a film critic.
And again: “He wrote as if he were fifty-five years old, but he was only thirty, ed. He died before he was forty. “It wasn't clear for a while, but I did some research and I believe he lost his life to alcoholism.”