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Exemption on June 30, 2022 to expire

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The Rai license fee It is the Italian subscription to national radio and television. It is one of the most hated taxes in general, and before its inclusion in law Project From the light, even from the most evasive. However, there are categories that you can avoid paying for.

Among other things, the second deadline for sending the specified exemption form is about to expire. In fact, for those who want to apply for it Exemption The application must be sent to the Revenue Agency no later than 30 June 2022.

Obviously, just Categories Mentioned on the agency’s revenue website. For convenience, we list them below:

  • The more than seventy-five whose income is less than 8000 euros per year;
  • Who doesn’t have a device with it TV tuner Although there is a regular local electricity contract;
  • Diplomats And the army Foreigners working on Italian soil.

All those who fall into these three categories will be able to apply for an exemption Rai license fee to the revenue agency. But as expected, it will be necessary to do this no later than 30 June 2022. Moreover, there is also another peculiarity to consider.

Rai license fee: exemption 50%

The Rai license feeCurrently, the Italian costs €90. This amount is withheld every two months with the electricity bill, at least until 2022. Indeed, by 2023, the Draghi government will have to find an alternative to the current collection method because it will be removed from the bill.

In any case, the above categories can ask not to pay, but for the total exemption, it is already overdue. Every now and then 30 June 2022 You can only pay €45 if you are over 75 on a low income or if you no longer have a TV that is capable of receiving national and regional channels at home.

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In other words, one can only do oneself discount Italian radio and television subscription at 50%. To do this, you need to send a file waiver form subordinate Rai license fee Duly completed for revenue agency by deadline.

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