Our country has always opposed it. None of the Italian governments that have followed each other in the last five years have ratified Ceta, the free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada that was drafted in Italy and accused of undermining the protection of unsafe food in Europe. Nevertheless, the agreement, which partially came into force five years ago, has already brought many benefits to Italy.
Tricolor exports to Canada increased by 36% from 2017 to 2021 to reach €7 billion. The Italian confectionery industry and producers of fruit and vegetable-based foods were among the sectors that benefited the most, with exports to Canada increasing by 98% and 82%, respectively, compared to pre-CETA levels. Highlighting the growth of Italian and EU exports European Commission On the fifth anniversary of the application of the Treaty.
Since CETA came into force in 2017, Italian investments in Canada have grown by 289%, reaching 3.8 billion euros in 2021. At the same time, Canadian investments in Italy increased by 185%, reaching 1.1 billion euros. .
Italy, one of the eleven countries that has yet to ratify CETA, saw a 101% increase in its imports of raw materials from Canada, particularly fluoride and iron ore. An increase in trade was encouraged by the abolition of most customs duties in Cheta.
Part of the agreement already in place allows European companies to participate in public tenders in Canada and vice versa, but also provides for mutual recognition of professional titles and protection of copyright and industrial patents.
In 2018, the ‘yellow-green’ government of the Movement 5 Stelle e Lega spoke openly. On the contrary al Ceta and threatened to destroy the good deal. The Italian position became more nuanced with the Pd-M5s government, with the Democrats favoring ratification and the Pentastellati confirming their opposition. Even the agricultural world parted ways with Goldreddy On the contrary and the Italian Farmers’ Federation Favorable. “We now have five years of solid evidence that CETA is helping to support jobs and growth in the EU,” European Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis said on the fifth anniversary of its entry. In the execution of the contract.
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After a favorable vote by the European Parliament in early 2017, tariff reductions began to boost EU-Canada trade in the following years. “Every sector of the economy benefits from this,” Dombrowskis added. “This is the dynamic partnership we need in today’s turbulent geopolitical environment,” the European commissioner concluded, without referring to those countries, including Italy. It benefits in terms of exports and investments.