Home science Elena and I by Donatella Puccini at Teatro Le Spazio

Elena and I by Donatella Puccini at Teatro Le Spazio

Elena and I by Donatella Puccini at Teatro Le Spazio

The world premiere of Donatella Busini’s “Io ed Elena”, directed and performed by Mauro Toscanelli and Bruno Petrosino, will have its world premiere on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 9.00pm at Teatro Lo Spazio – via Locri 42, in the San Giovanni space.

On stage in space theaterfrom 26 to me May 29And Elena and meView of Donatella BossiniDirected by Mauro Toscanelli And Bruno Petrosino.

Two women, a mother and her daughter suffer from severe psychological disorders. Differently, the same, close to the loneliness that existence and illness led them to live together. Just like their personalities, they experience loneliness in different ways. Anger, indulgence, desire to please, accusations, rejection, fear: a relationship between women that is difficult for both to maintain. But a love affair.
Violent, dark, cutting, exhausting, angry and exasperating as only true love can be.

This harsh realist relationship between a woman and her psychotic daughter is told in a surreal context where the pulsating spirit of a controversial literary figure is often misunderstood as a character. Blanche DuboisThe protagonist of the text A tram called desire by Tennessee Williams (brought to cinema in the early 1950s in the popular film 51 directed by Elia Kazan and starring Marlon Brando, Vivien Leigh, Kim Hunter and Karl Malden). Blanche’s breath and soul are two common elements between the protagonists and infiltrate their words and actions.

Elena and me It is a drama that sees two characters vomiting hatred and fears that never subside: the inevitable aging of Giovanna (the mother), which leads her on an obsessive search for confirmation by an ideal man, and the frank and obvious insanity of Elena (the daughter) who speaks with her alter ego, Blanche. In this constant osmosis of bounces between the two (or, one might say, the three) there are mutually painful repercussions that ensue.

Magic is the fulcrum around which the search for mother and daughter revolves; Charm perfectly correlates with the sexual desire of the protagonist in the work of Ty Williams. Although it is an entirely female play, the text constantly makes reference to male characters, sometimes considered idealists, sometimes invoked as characters from Giovanna’s agonizing past or turbulent present. The idea of ​​two men interpreting the two protagonists derives specifically from the short circuit intended to cause the scene.

A drama in which music and “theater within the theater” give the fluidity dimension in which madness and despair act, right up to the final rebirth in which consciousness appears. A tribute to women who are different and far from stereotyped.

Elena and me by Donatella Bossini – direction: Mauro Toscanelli, Bruno Petrosino; Interpreters: M. Toscanelli, B. Petrosino; special costumes: Emmanuel Zito ; artistic contribution from Quince; Produce: Ipazia Production – You’ll be on stage at Teatro Lo Spazio until Sunday, May 29, 2022.

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Last edited on Sunday 05/22/2022


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