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David diDonatello 2023 Nominees. Marco Belluccio with 18 nominations for “Esterno notte”

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The movie in two chapters or the series in any way you want to watch Mark Bellocchio night outside full of requests David di Donatello with 18 nominations. There are 26 Italian films that got the nomination immediately after re-reading the story of Moro’s kidnapping of the master born in 1938, we find strangeness Roberto is gone with ficara and bacon With 14 nominations (a first for Sicilian comedians), The eight mountains The film is based on the award-winning novel The Witch of Paul Cognetti with 14 -, Lord of the ants to John Emilio with 11 e Nostalgia for the past to Mario Martin with Pierfrancesco Favino with 9.

In the five dedicated to directing, we find the same names as the five for best film, and there are no female directors, while there is a record number of three female directors in the first feature film category. I am: Carolina Cavalli, Jasmine Trinca And Julia Louise Stegerwalt. The spectator prize went to the trio of Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo the big day which as of February 28 was the most watched Italian film with over 10 million viewers. The handover ceremony will take place on May 10 and will be broadcast in prime time on Rai 1 conducted by him Charles Conti.

Here are the nominees for Best Picture

A Night Out directed by Marco Bellocchio

Lord of the Ants directed by Gianni Amelio

THE STRANEZZA movie, directed by Roberto Ando

The Eight Mountains Directed by Felix van Groningen, Charlotte VanderMeersch

Nostalgia directed by Mario Martone

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Tony Cervelo, Vicarra and Bacon: “The Strangeness, the Confusion of Life and Theatre”

best direction

The Night Out by Marco Bellocchio

Lord of the Ants – Gianni Amelio

The strangeness of Roberto Ando

The Eight Mountains by Felix van Groningen and Charlotte VanderMeersch

Nostalgic Mario Martin

Nostalgia, Martone’s film with Favino in competition at the Cannes Film Festival

Best directed debut

Amanda by Carolina Cavalli

Marcel! by Jasmine Trinca

Margins by Niccolò Falcetti

September by Julia Louise Steiger Walt

Bonecrusher by Vincenzo PIRROTTA

“The Eight Mountains”, Behind the Scenes: On Top with Borghi and Marinelli

Best original screenplay

Astolfo by Gianni di Gregorio, Marco Pettinello

Claire by Susanna Nichiarelli

Night Exterior by Marco Belluccio, Stefano Pesese, Ludovica Ramboldi, Davide Sirino

Master of the Ants – Gianni Amelio, Eduardo Betti, Federico Fava

The enormity of Emmanuelle Criales, Francesca Manieri, Vittorio Moroni

The oddity of Roberto Ando, ​​Ugo Chitti, and Massimo Gaudioso

Best adapted screenplay

Pinto by Salvatore Mereu

Prado by Massimo Giudioso, Kim Rossi Stewart

Hummingbird by Francesca Archiboggi, Laura Paolucci, Francesco Piccolo

The Eight Mountains by Felix van Groningen, Charlotte VanderMeersch

Nostalgia for Mario Martone, Ippolita de Mago

The best product
Night Out – Lorenzo MIELI for THE APARTMENT, a subsidiary of the FREMANTLE group; Simone Gattoni for KAVAC

Strangeness – Angelo Barbagallo for Baby; Attilio DE RAZZA FOR TRAMP LIMITED; With MEDUSA FILM and RAI CINEMA

The Eight Mountains – WILDSIDE company of the FREMANTLE group; list rufus; hierarchical production. vision distribution; In collaboration with ELASTIC; With the participation of CANAL + and CINÉ +; In association with SKY

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Nostalgia – MEDUSA movie; Maria Carolina Terzi, Luciano and Carlo Stella for MAD Entertainment; Roberto Sessa for PICOMEDIA; Angelo Laodessa for ROSEBUD Entertainment Pictures

Princess – Carla Altieri, Roberto De Paolis for YOUNG FILMS; Nicola Giuliano, Francesca Cima, Carlotta Calori and Viola Presteri for Indigo Film; Rai cinema

Best Leading Actress
Benedetta Porcaroli (Amanda)

daisy buy (night outside)

Penelope Cruz (immensity)

Barbara Ronchi (September)

Claudia Pandolfi (drought)

Best Leading Actor

Fabrizio Gvonni (night outside)

Louis LO CASCIO (Lord of the ants)

FICARRA and PICONE (weirdness)

Alessandro Borghi (The eight mountains)

Luca Marinelli (The eight mountains)

Best Supporting Actress

Giovanna Nun (Amanda)

Daniela Mara (night outside)

Julia went (weirdness)

Four Eyes Aurora (Nostalgia for the past)

Emanuela Vanelli (drought)

Best Supporting Actor

Fausto Russo Alessi (night outside)

Tony Cervillo (night outside)

Elio German (Lord of the ants)

Philip Timmy (The eight mountains)

Francesco de Leyva (Nostalgia for the past)

Best photography

Francesco Di Giacomo (night outside)

Giovanni Mamolotti (Sunday Tales – the story of a gentleman)

Maurizio Calvesi (weirdness)

Robin Impence (The eight mountains)

Paul Carnera (Nostalgia for the past)

best composer

Fabio Massimo Capogroso (night outside)

Stefano Polani (Batav)

By Michel Braga and Emmanuelle Bossi (weirdness)

Daniel Norgren (eight mountains)

Frank Bersanti (drought)

Best Original Song

If You Want Me – Music, Lyrics and Interpretation by Deodato (Diabolik – Ginko on the Attack!)

DEAR LOVE FAR – Music by Sergio Indrigo, Text by Riccardo Senigaglia, Performed by Marco Mengoni (Hummingbird)

Colle Colani – Music by Stefano Polani, Text by Luigi Malerpa and Stefano Polani, Performed by Stefano Polani (Batav)

LA PALUDE – music and lyrics by Niccolò Falcetti, Giacomo Peri, Alessio Ricciotti, Francesco Torbanti performed by Francesco Torbante, Emanuele Lenvati, Matteo Creatini (Margins)

BULLETS (I EAT YOUR HEART) – Music by Joanne Theile, Elisa Tofoli, Emanuele Triglia Lyrics and Interpretation by Elodie, Joanne Theile (I eat your heart)

Best scenography

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Scenography by Andrea Castorina, furniture by Marco Martucci, Laura Casalini (out night)

Scenography by Marta Maafucci and furniture by Carolina Ferrara (Lord of the Ants)

Scenography by Tonino Zira and furniture by Maria Grazia Chirippa, Marco Bagnoli (Caravaggio’s shadow)

Scenography by Giada Calabria and furniture by Loredana Ravi (weirdness)

Scenography by Massimiliano Nocente and furniture by Marcella Gallone (The eight mountains)

best fashion

Massimo Cantini Parini (Clear)

Daria Calveli (night outside)

Valentina Monticelli (Lord of the ants)

Charles Poggioli (Caravaggio’s shadow)

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