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Covid, Ansalon (Novartis): Citizens-Politics-Science Trust Shattered, Fix It

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ROME – Live in Italy longer than anywhere else. But the question to ask is how. He explains, “The challenge for those who conduct pharmaceutical research is to ensure the best possible level of health, and to leave citizens active in social life.” Gianluca AnsaloniHead of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Novartisspeaking at the event “Epidemiology, Pharmaceutical Strategy and Environmental Transformation” organized by Eunews and GEA in Rome. The priority is prevention, but there is also a need for the availability of drugs that intervene where a simple lifestyle is not enough. This is what the pharmaceutical giants are doing, in collaboration with foundations.

The relationship between companies and public health workers has changed a lot in the past two years. “Before Covid, it was very forward-looking,” he says. Today, let’s imagine prevention strategies together. In short, the way the health system is built has changed, it is “more modern and efficient”.

However, if the relationship between the public and private sectors improves, “Covid has broken the relationship of trust between citizens, industry and politics in a very dangerous way.” notice. The relationship between citizens and politics was in crisis even before the outbreak, and citizens no longer trusted the decision maker. The relationship between politics and industry was in a major crisis before the virus spread, there was mistrust, the relationship between citizens and science was in crisis, and disconnected from the epidemic. Today it is difficult to verify the veracity of the news, it has raised an enormous cultural barrier. Democracies urgently need to develop this relationship of trust“.

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CEO Public Affairs and Sustainability at the Eunews-Gea event: “The challenge for those who conduct pharmaceutical research is to ensure the best possible level of health, leave citizens active in social life, and collaborate”

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