The big ghost who revolves around policeman 26 from Glasgow It is nuclear energy. at least in regards toItaly. In fact, while many countries, in the first place France, have been pushing for some time and seeking alliances on this front (also Rome) against more hesitant countries like Germany, Scotland’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi Minister of Environmental Transformation, Roberto CingolaniThey don’t talk about it publicly. Not even at the press conference leading confirms the limits renewable, which may not reach the goals of 2030 and 2050, and talks about “alternative my workAnd the minister adds: There is one Category Which will tell us what it really defines Verdi“. This is thestatutory law Who will determine what is green investment from the point of viewClimate effect And what is not. And it happens that, a few days before the opening of COP26, it was A committee EuropeanAnd who stopped several timesUncover cards. President Ursula von der Leyen He stated that for a green transition “we need more renewable energy sources” but “we also need one Source stablenuclear and gasThis is the position within Council of the European Union (real decision-making body), the starting point for the proposal to be formally submitted to Dec. The differences remain, but in the meantime, the next day midyear It will also start the new presidency of the Council of the European Union. what will be of FranceNuclear is convinced. The words of Ursula von der Leyen, after which the clear position of the Minister of Economic Development of the Northern League came immediately, Giancarlo Giorgetti, which states that in Italy “we must begin the discussion nuclear CleanThe association also announced a bill to overcome rejectioncorn. After 34 years Referendum And after a torrent of money it cost him state. But it all comes back.
Seeing dragons and paths – Even with the words of the Italian Prime Minister who, in ScotlandHe explained, “Today it is not realistic to reach the main points Objectives that the European Union has set itself (climate neutrality by 2050 and 55% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 1990) only with renewable. They told us there A committee, United nations. We need to do many things.” He asked Cingulani to explain why. “Yes Dicarbonate In three ways – the Minister of Environmental Transformation began – the first is that directly, the low hanging fruit, closest to the hand.” What produces the bulk ofsatiate It’s our mechanism Produce Energy, primary production. We extract carbonate fossils From underground – always Cingolani – then there we burn, to run internal combustion engines, or to boil water, producing one gas turbine Creates electricityFor the minister, this decades-old process “is working very well, but it is one of the main sources of anhydride carbonic. Changing the way we produce the energy we use today, especially the trend towards electrification, means feeding another chain of Conversion Mobility and manufacturing.” So the furnaces, instead of burning coal “will use resistors electrical, the cars will be battery powered and will have to be powered, batteries, from Stream electrical, which, however, must be green. So, our first goal is to change the production energy primary and electrification of all cabins that today produce carbon dioxide.” About a third comes from manufacturing, about a quarter of Mobility, and another 20-22% of our lives: houses, Heating, etc. “About this (about how to decarbonize electricity production) we are waiting, we are all working, Category EuropeanCingulani said.
green engineering – “I can’t anticipate the decisions the Green Ranking will make Valdis Dombrovskis NS What McGuinness wants (respectively Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Financial Services, ed.), but the energy mix of the future needs renewables,” he explained in recent days, at the end of Advise energy, also European Commissioner for Energy Qadri Simpson. He added, “Besides, stable sources will be needed during transition: both gas and nuclear They are the sources that the Commission will deal with in the delegated law “relating to the green classification “In the next future.” In fact, one is emerging continent Need. It is not only France that is important 43% of nuclear energy And 8% of renewable energy sources are in the energy mix, according to the latest data Climate Transparency Report, but the energy of the atom did not allow it to correspond to the maximum Heating Global 1.5 degrees Celsius not even with a decrease emissions, which must increase by 40% if it is to achieve the 2030 target. Paris is considering building small modular reactors, much smaller (and less expensive) than fission reactors traditional systems. Those mentioned months ago also by the Minister of Environmental Transition Singolani, whose words provoked a crawl into space From arguing, avoid a Glasgow. But in mid-October, led by France, nine more countries requested the inclusion of nuclear energy in the classification: Bulgariacroatia, czech republic, FinlandHungary Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia e Romania. It is a choice of the relevant economy and energy ministers.”at all it is necessaryHow will it end? It’s not a question of personal choices – there is only one choice,” said Singolani in Scotland. Category Who will say what can be defined as truly green, on the basis of the impact of climate change and on the basis of this classification, the commission has well declared itself: will leave States Freedom of choice, as long as you can reduce the amount satiate Released into the atmosphere. You realize that this is a historic challenge from a technological point of view.”
France’s nuclear document a Paris I long ago realized the scale of the challenge. In time and ways. And they took advantage of the Glasgow conference to present a file document Informal and give extra push to Discussion. Two themes are very clear: “green” nuclear energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and natural gas as a source of transformation, with the possibility of building plants until 2030, with an emissions cap. The text is also suggested Solutions To bypass the existing clash within the European Union between gas supporters and nuclearists; The issue, of course, is to determine which activity can become bankable at the EU level to ensure a realistic transition and reach the goals set by the EU. According to the document, all activities related to the production electricity of corn in this category. Alternatively, gas can be adopted as sustainable max power output emissions To 100 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour, or higher, but only until 2030. The document also refers toFarming, asks to method biologicalSome environmental schemes and agro-environmental measures of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) recognized green for Definition of.
Think of a tank here: ‘Insisting on fossil and nuclear would be a bloodbath’ – Far from the French position, the topic continues to create divisions in Italy, where the discussion on National storage of radioactive waste He also did some math about how much it would cost. From 2001 to 2018, it paid 3.7 billion euros consumers In the bill, only 700 million were spent on it dismantling, only implemented a third of the program through 2018. The rest went to operating costs and handling the deal radioactive fuel in France and the United Kingdom. “It is true that renewable They also need to be accompanied by other initiatives to make Dicarbonisazione Energy – Explains A ilfattoquotidiano.it Michel Governatore, Director of Energy at the Thought Center over there – But this does not mean that it is necessary to extend Investments in fossil energies or current nuclear energy. Moreover, gas gives us this harmful price increase recovery: How long do we want to be exposed to such risks? For conservatives, “Renewables are indisputably the cheapest source of energy available today given the Environmental cost of harmful emissions.” But in order to replace all fossils soon, “they must be accompanied energy accumulations (batteries or pumped power stations), an additional modification of electrical networks And mechanisms to make demand elastic, which are widespread in many countries, but in Italy it is lagging behind in its choices Regulation error like market capacityHowever, the eyes and energy seem to go to gas, such as gas capture and storage technologies Carbon Dioxide NS nuclear. “Insist on fossils or on nuclear The current one will be a bloodbath – explain the rulers – because excavations will require Climate neutrality CO2 Capture and Storage Device is Expensive, Still Technically Underdeveloped Anyway dangerous >> adjective In terms of storage management in the future, while nuclear energy available today has costs unimaginable And does not have the flexibility to accompany them renewable“.