John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Cannes: At the Mariopolis 2 Festival, the film director of Ukraine is killed – Ultima Ora

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(ANSA) – ROME, May 12 – Lithuanian director Mantas Kvidaravicos, who directed Przac (2011), Mariupolis (2016) and Parthenon (2019), was arrested and assassinated by the Russian military in Mariupol at the beginning of April. His fiancée, Hanna Bilobrova, who was with him at the time, was able to recreate the footage taken there and edit it with Mantas’ editor, Dounia Sichov. “The movie is called Mariopolis 2, it had to be shown, we added it,” announces the organization of the Cannes Film Festival tonight (May 17-28). Mariupolis 2 will be shown on Thursday 19 May at the Buñuel Theater at 11:30 and on Friday 20 May at 11:00 at the Agnès Varda Press Theatre. In 2022, Mantas Kvedaravičius returns to Ukraine, in Donbass, in the heart of the war, to be with the people he met and photographed in 2014 and 2015. After his disappearance, his producers and collaborators put all their power. He conveys his works, vision and films. With sheer power and sensitivity, Mariopolis 2 depicts life as it goes on amidst the bombing, revealing images that convey tragedy and hope.

“Do you know what is the most extraordinary thing in Mariupol? None of those residents feared death, even when there was. Death was already there and no one wanted to die unnecessarily. People supported each other, risking their lives.”

They were smoking and chatting outside despite the bombs. There was no money left and life became too short for people to remember, so people were happy with what they had and went beyond their limits. There was no past or future, no judgment, no implied meaning for anything. Heaven in Hell, the tender wings of a butterfly fluttering closer and closer to each other, the scent of death in its raw proportions. It was the heartbeat of life. »Reads photography notes.

The film will open this evening in Sardinia the Carbonia Film Festival in Solsis. (handle).

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