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Canadian Madness: White votes low

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Today’s madness comes from Canada Justin Trudeau (Despite his black-faced photos were confirmed to the government … but the apparent racism only counts against someone who is not a leftist). The Teachers Association of Ontario (65,000 members) had a good idea. Do you know the system by which each individual can vote according to their opinion? A vote, a head? Once upon a time it was called democracy and now they call it.The system for maintaining white supremacy“Therefore, the union has decided to address this historic injustice.

Henceforth, in the internal ballot The votes of whites will be less. Therefore, votes will be weighed according to the color of the voter’s skin. They are one of us too Video And a series of fun slides (here you will find a group of colorful editors smiling, apparently happy, and satisfied with the new order). Please give us an example too. Here’s how it works. The 20 members of the union’s board of directors are to be included Deepavali, A Hindu-Buddhist holiday, between holidays for employees. We vote and the proposal is rejected. 7 to 13 votes.

But beware … 4 group members who identify as non-whites (Tribal, black and race) Voted in favor of the proposal. Thanks for the new regulation, Non-whites always get 50% of the vote, Even if they are 4 out of 20 members. The proposal will be implemented. Urra.. live content and social justice. Clearly, all hell is raging and the union’s Twitter site is now inaccessible. But be careful not to underestimate these things. To us today, about soup, they may seem just as ridiculous as they would have been to a Canadian or American 10 years ago.

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