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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Bill of 288,000 euros for the giant citrus juice giant Ortogel: Catania companies from the wallets

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The increase in bills is flooding companies and from eastern Sicily comes a request for urgent government intervention. “As the highest corporate office, you are helping us find a way out to deal with the tragic situation that has struck so violently and unexpectedly, which has resulted in small and large businesses throwing in the towel and closing their doors,” CIA (Agriculture) leaders wrote to Catania Governor Maria Carmela Librizi , who will meet them tomorrow, Friday, September 23.

Companies continue, “revenues often fail to offset production costs.” One case is that of Caltagirone’s Ortogel, which specializes in citrus juices, which risks disrupting the plant’s production, after receiving a maximum bill of €288,000 (August’s electricity bills increased by 300%). “And if it is a reality as big as that of Calatina, located in Sicily with three innovative structures, with about 200 employees, that cannot keep production costs in the budget – assures the CIA – let us consider hundreds of small farms that under the current conditions, it will not They can definitely start the citrus season for the 2023 campaign.”

The heavy economic situation, due to the high bills, affecting all sectors, has also prompted the Cna regional district of Ragusa to promote a series of urgent initiatives. “We thought – explained Regional President Giuseppe Santocono with Secretary Carmelo Cacamo – an extraordinary meeting of heads of professions and interest groups present at our regional headquarters in Ragusa, on Psumida Road, for Tuesday. The dramatic moment that we are experiencing by all classes of production due to the increase in electricity, fuel, gas and raw materials, on the one hand, and the obstruction of credit transfers and the delay of the Collection Agency in installments for the release of Durc on the other hand, has led us to call for an urgent and consolidated appointment to discuss and propose a case of non-mobilization regular in order to organize exciting protest actions. We ask all heads of professions to attend and at the same time show solidarity with the many colleagues who are currently going through a period of serious economic crisis. There is no doubt that we are no longer waiting for the actions to come from regional and national governments, among other things grappling with the election campaign, and that it is necessary to make one’s voice heard as quickly as possible.

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