Beyond Good and Evil 2 had won Duke Nukem Forever In what unfortunately does not arise as a fun competition, far from it: they pass well 5234 days From the announcement of the Ubisoft title, while for the Gearbox shooter, the wait between reveal and publication was 5,156 days.
The time period that seems destined to increase, if we take into account that Tom Henderson Beyond Good & Evil 2 needs at least another two years of development. In short, the way of saying “take it easy” takes on entirely new connotations in the case of the project that Michel Ansel wants.
There are clearly some distinctions to be made: at the time of the original reveal, Beyond Good & Evil 2 had no title and there was nothing concrete behind it. Ubisoft just posted a concept trailer that nevertheless failed to impress many fans of the game.
A similar argument can be made for Duke Nukem Forever, in the sense that the experience offered in the now distant 1997 was something completely different compared to the title that debuted in 2011 on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.
Of course, when development is long and turbulent, such episodes become inevitable between productive reboots, second thoughts, team changes etc. A few years ago, we wrote a post about everything we know about Beyond Good & Evil 2, which, ironically, is still up-to-date information.