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Beware of money in the family: what are the risks

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As projected in recent months, beginning on January 1, 2022, all payments in Cash Which exceeds the number of thousand euros: concretely, from the maximum of 1999.99 euros, we have moved to the maximum of 999.99 euros. The war on cash, which came into force with the implementation of the tax decree set by the Conte-Pace government, has been enriched by a new chapter, with the aim, at least, of the declared separation, to combat tax evasion and to facilitate electronic transactions as much as possible. It can be tracked by the tax authorities.

However, it will not only be the owners or customers of clubs and shops, but also members of the same family unit. The rule, in fact, will also apply to familieswhich will not be exempted from penalties.


You will be able to pay or withdraw more than a thousand euros only when you act directly in your checking account: the rule states an absolute ban if the transaction involves two different topics. Monetary transactions remain permitted in connection with the wages of the self-employed or casual work: proceed, therefore, to the payment of wages to local co-operators under regular contract and also to all those in the public administration. On the other hand, the treatment is reserved for foreigners who make cash payments within the national territory: for them, the limit increases to 15,000 euros, without prejudice to the obligation to commercial activities, hospitality or tourism in general, for immediate notification of collection directly to the Agenzia delle enter.

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eye in the family

The ban remains to exceed 999.99 euros in the case of partial payments, and what is more, in the case of donations or loans between family members, even if they belong to the same core. Mixed payments, that is, those that can be tracked partly by tax authorities (debit / credit or debit cards) and partly in cash, are appropriate only if the latter remain below the imposed limit. (Click here to find out all about cash moves between parents and children)


Requires exceeding the cash cap Penalties Ranging from 1000 to 50 thousand euros. Failure to report is also punishable by law with fines of between 3,000 and 15,000 euros.

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