Our initiative continues successfully,how were we“: Send us to [email protected]. On this third date, a shot with former Rieti Calcio juniors, in Vecchia Botte di Rieti before headquarters call. 1971. From left, Luigi Severonesergio BaptistsRaniero pilgrimsMario leaveGiancarlo petrangleWelcome Onofry and roberto Veronese (which no longer exists today).
And what are your memories to share? Send us your historical photos. Here are all the indications: “How we were …”. New RietiLife Column: Send us your historical footage to [email protected]. Family life moments, from the country or neighborhood, events, weddings, dinners: send to our editorial staff the historical snapshots you keep jealously or that you found by chance and want to share, perhaps to find someone with whom you no longer have contact or to relive those moments With your friends and acquaintances. Send us your photos to [email protected] Just clone (photo to photo) or erase! We will publish it in our weekly column on RietiLife.com
Photo: RietiLife ©