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An electrician from Como, Canada, and a jumble of ballots: “Package two chambers, none Senate”

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Comaschissima But a very specific report coming today to the editorial office from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean (in fact, almost towards the Pacific). A reader from Lauriana, but moved to Canada for about fifteen years – whose personal data we do not publish for the understandable need for confidentiality – reports a sensational mistake in the postal voting mechanism reserved for Italians living in other parts of the world. September 25 Political Elections. There are 12 seats in the Chamber and 6 seats in the Senate, which will be decided by these guys. But back to our story.

We are located in Calgary, Western Canada, Province of Alberta, which is included in the North American Section within the Overseas District. Here, a few days ago, the envelope containing the object of expressing one’s vote, sending it to Italy, actually arrived at the Como Electric House. But, upon opening, here’s the surprise.

“When I opened the envelope – he says – I immediately understood that something was wrong. In fact, when I took out the two ballots, I realized that they were the same color. Both should be the same bright pink color. “Basically, the card of the Senate was missing, and at that time I I had to ask for information on how to behave, because the error was clear”, continues the Como citizen abroad.

So the first step is to contact the Italian Consulate in Vancouver and report the unexpected news. “When the anomaly was discovered – says the electrician – I was told that the missing card would be sent to me in a short time, but in fact I have not received anything yet”. However, by law, electricians and overseas voters must send the envelope containing the ballot to the consular office no later than the 10th day before the election (ie, in this case, the following Wednesday) after voting. The latter must send the votes received by 4pm on the Thursday before the election to the Central Office for Foreign Constituencies in Italy. Finally, voting takes place at the same time as the votes cast in Italy.

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But since the House has only one double ballot and the Senate does not have one, another one has now been added. “If the ballot for the Senate does not arrive, I can only vote for the chamber – says the electrician from Como, Canada – but no one has given me information about what to do with the second pink vote. Received. Of course I will only use one, but I have doubts about what to do with the other.

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