Home World 20-year-old Kailyn Gillis was shot and killed by Kevin Monahan

20-year-old Kailyn Gillis was shot and killed by Kevin Monahan

20-year-old Kailyn Gillis was shot and killed by Kevin Monahan

Shot dead in the driveway of the house: thus dies a woman guilty only of having the wrong boyfriend’s home address. Kailyn Gillis, 20, was driving through the rural town of Hebron in upstate New York with three other people Saturday night when they didn’t turn into the wrong drug.

Perhaps the address was spelled incorrectly, perhaps a navigator’s error in an area where cellphone reception was sparse. Kailyn, who was looking for her friend’s house, was greeted with gunshots from Kevin Monahan, 65. The man went out onto his porch and fired two shots at the car, which was maneuvering to leave the house. Unfortunately, one of the bullets hit Gillis.

Kailyn Gillis and Kevin Monahan

And the Washington County sheriff also sent the group back in search of help—and a phone signal—to the nearby town of Salem, northeast of Albany, close to the Vermont state line: Unfortunately for Kaelyn Gillis, it was already too late.

When officers arrived at Kevin Monahan’s home to investigate the shooting, the man refused to come out, and after about an hour of mediation he surrendered to authorities, who transferred him to the Warren County Jail for second-degree murder.

Friends and comrades of the young victim opened a fundraiser to help the young victim’s family.


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