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Cancer technology and science

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Politecnico di Milano and the European Institute of Oncology marry by combining their invaluable skills consisting of years of study and knowledge of artificial intelligence, robotics and cutting-edge technologies in tissue engineering, as well as a wealth of experience in the life sciences. – A new research center was born in Milan that marks a path into the future of scientific research and innovation.
The Politecnico di Milano and the European Institute of Oncology They marry by combining their priceless gifts which consist of years of study and knowledge of artificial intelligence, robotics and cutting-edge tissue engineering techniques, as well as a wealth of experience in the life sciences.
What are the purposes of the Onco-Tech Laboratory? She will develop models and applications for human health with a particular focus on cancer treatment.

research method
important key element

Target It is also to develop a new culture of research, which embraces the technological development of discoveries.
In essence, this means moving from the traditional logic based on data discovery and dissemination to the new logic of concrete application of research products.
It’s hard for a lab researcher to think about research even in terms of patents or startups.
However, this development is now necessary to increase the “search machine”.
This is the clear explanation he gave the professor. Roberto Orecchia, Scientific Director of IEO About the birth of an important research center ONCO-TECH-LAB“.

see reality
merging resources

ONCO-TECH-LAB It is a platform that integrates the partners’ human resources, tools and logistics to increase the critical mass and quality of research, thereby expanding access to both institutions’ national and international calls, funding, and programs.
The main area of ​​the convention relates to oncology, to which other specialties are added: ePathology, Immunology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Transplant and Diagnostic Imaging.

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