Back to Monkey Island He’s back to show himself on what’s now a sort of fixed-date Monday, by Video with another 40 seconds of gameplay Which, in this case, shows a stage of adventure with a kind of Guybrush trial.
Ron GilbertThe game’s author posted the video on Twitter at what he called “MonkeyIslandMonday,” hinting that it was a weekly date. In fact, just last Monday, it was Dave Grossman, the game’s co-creator, who showed off 10 seconds of play, as part of a real Weekly Game Discovery initiative, or something like that.
Anyway, this allows us to see more parts of returning to Monkey Island, so we’re happy to welcome this idea, whether it’s a stable initiative or not. The Movie Guybrush is shown entering a building hit by an icy storm and finding himself on the dock during a strange experiment.
The protagonist is questioned by a rude and authoritarian judge, who is clearly obsessed with the need to maintain order in the courtroom, to answer some accusations. At this point, the game is based on Dialogueswith the classic multiple-choice system of answers displayed to guide the discussion in different directions.