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[Massa] No to vacating the popular space! FdI proposal rejected! • CARC party

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In recent days, there has been news that Fratelli d’Italia has submitted a motion asking the mayor and council to vacate the Spazio Popolare on Via San Giuseppe Vecchio 98.

People’s Space was born in 2013 when two municipally-owned lands abandoned for years of decay, dirt and neglect were cleaned and freed and made available to citizens.

Today Spazio Popolare is a meeting point for many people, hosts several associations including our party, and over the years it has been and will remain home to various social projects.

We remember to mention two projects that were born and developed within the space over the years: “Palestra Popolare Aldo Salvetti”, which for several years provided free sports courses, and the “Rotta Solidale” project, which in the most difficult period of the pandemic provided support to about eighty families by delivering food parcels weekly.

Nothing but expulsion! The popular space must continue to live and must be in a position to carry out its activities!

If Italy’s brothers, still distraught by the bitter electoral defeat, find nothing better to do to inflame their political disputes with the municipal administration than to attack the popular space, then that is not our problem.

Finally, we are free to offer some advice to the representatives of Fratelli d’Italia: to consider focusing on the serious problems plaguing our city rather than on clearing the popular space. For example, consider focusing on the reopening of the old hospital for local medicine, rather than just Amorezi appearing in the press; Thinking about devoting all their energies to the central government of which they are a part to do something concrete for Sanak; They thought of harnessing all their energies to the central government to obtain funds for the rehabilitation of the area which was already badly damaged by neglect and over-building and to create new job opportunities.

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In all this, the Spazio Popolare on Via San Giuseppe Vecchio is a place alien to any logic of profit where workers, students and the rest of the popular masses can come together freely to discuss, socialize and organize: perhaps it is precisely for this purpose. The reason is the extreme boredom felt by the Fratelli d’Italia actors.

We will soon announce the dates of the next mobilization starting with the demonstration that we will organize under the city hall when the proposal of the Brothers of Italy is discussed; We appeal to civil society, loyal democrats, political and trade union organizations to take a stand against this anti-popular and reactionary measure promoted by the War Party of Giorgia Meloni.

Mass section of the CARC party

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