Home sport The Italian Football League Championship is still on Raisport – Football

The Italian Football League Championship is still on Raisport – Football

The Italian Football League Championship is still on Raisport – Football

(ANSA) – ROME, Aug 23 – Lega Pro and Rai Sport have taken the field back together again. In fact, Rai has been granted audiovisual rights to the Lega Pro for the next three years, until the 2024/25 season, in connection with “National Package 1”. All tournament postponements will be broadcast on Monday evening, the playoff matches, the Italian Cup finals and the Super Cup on Rai Sport. The standard marketing formula, in addition to bringing fame to the Lega Pro, is the right acknowledgment of the good work associated with innovation, brand standardization and Serie C Championship image.

“The Lega Pro on Rai Sport is a guarantee of the high visibility and professionalism of our clubs and their fans.

Through the Rai, we will be able to continue talking about our young football, always full of new talents, having a constant reference to the present and the future, but also to the memory and history of our country – stated the president of Lega Pro, Francesco Girelli -. Municipal football, together with the rai representing the history of Italy, is the meeting point of our collective identity for sport and beyond. There could not be a more virtuous combination.”

The third division weekend kicks off on Rai Sport on Sunday night on Domenica Dribbling. The spectator will be accompanied to the postponement on Monday with a call from the city where the match will be held, talking about the upcoming match and the just-ended round. Then “Monday Night” which will start at 20.30. A live study of the stadium is planned where, in addition to talking about the match, the participating cities and their communities, all objectives of the weekend, services and ideas about the clubs and fields of the third series will find space.


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