Home Top News F1 GP Canada Double draw against Mercedes

F1 GP Canada Double draw against Mercedes

F1 GP Canada Double draw against Mercedes

Many teams accuse the federation of favoring Mercedes, which in advance allowed the use of a second tie that “catches” the bottom to mitigate the bounce. The wolf system was removed from the W13s to avoid official appeals

Paulo Filicetti

– Montreal (Canada)

All against Mercedes in Canada F1 GP 2022. The reason for the controversy? A tie … Technical order n ° 39, issued by the FIA ​​on Thursday, deals with the actions that the Confederation will take against porpoising in conjunction with teams after collecting data from each of the exceptionally included cars. Current technical regulation is the adoption of a second base rigid die-wheel to reduce bending, i.e. the amplitude of tremor caused by porpoising. Seeing the Mercedes W13 already fitted from the first free training session caused a stir in the pit path.

Because against mercedes

The objection raised by the rival teams was precisely related to the very quick time it took for the Brockley team’s technicians to accept the second tie. The objection has a solid technical foundation because it does not improve the position and slope of the tie rod with respect to the floor. To operate effectively, the tie rod must be positioned so that it prevents the ergo from bending while running with the maximum load below. This can only be achieved after a survey using sophisticated computer simulations, which could not be clearly executed in half a day, the time elapsed between the technical order for the teams and the appearance of the second tie-rod on the W13. Montreal pits.

Mercedes removal

At today’s press conference, some team managers, including Alpine’s Odmer Schafnaur, raised the threat of an official protest against Mercedes, doubting the acceptance of the second tie-rod at the time described, undoubtedly considering the resulting benefit in terms of performance. The U.S. manager, in fact, said the second attachment, fitted to a car more susceptible to porpoising like the W13, would allow the Brockley group to accept lower ground heights without creating the same negative effect on the trigger. Fools. In practice, the W13 can operate with a lower ground height than previously allowed to slightly reduce bounce and improve the car’s performance. More or less pronounced protests by the teams prompted Mercedes to remove the second tie-wheel ahead of the FP3 in Montreal. Others actually suggested postponing the enactment of the order at the next Silverstone race, thus allowing everyone to carry out the action in single seats, including a second tie rod. In this particular issue, however, it is pertinent to clarify that teams that have already accepted tough funding will not have any immediate benefit from the tie rod. The advantage for these teams, in fact, lies only in the possibility of creating a lighter version below. However, this will be a change, which will take a few weeks to implement.


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