Fashions and times pass, films and tunes change, however Rabaa (Citizen Kane) always remains admirably afloat. First work for Orson Welles Of which ilFattoQuotidiano.it offers you Preview the new trailer Returns to theaters starting March 24, 2024 thanks to Wonderful classics From vision to vision, as the famous critic Roger Ebert said years ago, “the more clearly I can see its physical appearance, the more I am struck by its mystery.” Yes what does that mean?Rosebud“The information tycoon and the money tycoon Charles Foster Kane (Welles himself, who also made his debut as a film actor) utters on his deathbed that, after a rich, shameless, over-the-top life, it remains one of those questions that can never be fully revealed in a film script – let's quote Ebert – like greatness thrown into the air. 2001, the green light (or even the green beam) at the end of Gatsby's dock (or on the skyline in Rohmer's film).
After all that Rabaa It is a long flashback investigation into a pressing investigative question (the meaning of rosebud/rosabella), specifically in a film where the authors (Wales And Mankiewicz) He emphasized with biting sarcasm the media's extreme ability to manipulate reality through narrative methods that can be constantly refined and shaped according to reality.Culturally, the most influential cluster of economic and political forces in service. The impudence of publisher Ken New York Inquirer Incredibly anticipating the appearance of overwhelming and uncontrollable information on the Internet (“the editorial team will have to work 24 hours a day”), the complete invention of sensational news (the Spanish galleon is a few kilometers from Florida) and the frantic clicking that includes all newspapers Without exception (having to publish the news of the missing lady that everyone is talking about even if the Inquirer is a “serious” newspaper, or a headline in a three-column newspaper that immediately becomes important just for the fact that someone published it like that).
but Rabaawhich originally seems more politically individualistic than Citizen Kane, on perhaps our sixth or seventh viewing, brings out greater complexity and expressiveness of the Welsh dramatic texture (temporal planes that merge with a literally imperceptible melting), as well as that famous Baroque directorial concept ( Director of Photography Greg Toland In that hole dug in the floor of Governor Keane's committee room is The Absolute History of Cinema) which prompted such great critic and historian as Gianni Rondolino. What's more, he subtly and bravely pushes to the surface the romantic psychological nuance that Welles attaches to a brilliant scoundrel like Kane, who, let's say, is astronomically distant from 1941 in full anti-Nazi fanfare, really has a soul, perhaps dark, vaguely demonic (and with That, in his book, Wells contains more satanic demons such as Quinlan), yet it is fragile and humanly poignant.
The seemingly invincible Kane, once he falls from the heights, never gets back up again. In fact, despite Xanadu's huge possession of inexhaustible funds, she still flounders in the dust of lost happiness. Kane, finally, is not the origin and incarnation from nothing of a common evil, he is rather the crazy and experimental result of an already very liberal society – Crisis 29 actually arrives more than halfway through the film – Without moral constraints and culturally hypocritical at his deep core. Consider the “scandal” of Kane’s lover, disgraced by his political rival, which, on the one hand, represents the typical wrong dynamic underscored by puritan American culture, while on the other hand, it is the rhetorical vehicle for historical guilt that is now, paradoxically, indistinguishable between generations. Various Democrats and Republicans. Here, then, lies another wonderful political greatness RabaaNearly 90 years after its appearance: corruption is everywhere, behind every barrier between supposed good and evil.