The documentary “Memory of Emotions” reveals how although Alzheimer's disease leads to a decline in cognitive functions, patients' ability to perceive emotions and empathize with others remains alive. The documentary was screened in Venice during the 80th Venice International Film Festival and is produced by Libero Produzioni in collaboration with Rai Documentari. It tells the stories of those who have to deal with this disease every day and, despite the difficulties and moments of frustration, it demonstrates a positive approach to life. . They are the stories of Annamaria, Santi, Angelina, Antonella, the men and women who live in Pais Retrofato, a village dedicated to people with Alzheimer's disease, founded in 2018 by La Meridiana Società Cooperativa Sociale. We are accompanied on this journey to the tune of Enrico Ruggeri's song “Dementico” by Francesca Vialdini, Marco Trabuccchi, Giulio Scarpati and Diego Dalla Palma, who narrated their family experience with great emotion.
After the presentation, a space will be opened for discussion with Luca Pozzi, professional teacher from Pais Ritrovato, Jacopo Canceli, neurologist from ASUFC, and Susanna Cardinale, President of the Udine Alzheimer's Association.
Single ticket 2 euros,
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